Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Holy Moley...it seems like forever since we've seen any action in blog land, so I figured it was tiMe to wake this place UP!!!!!

Aside from a heaping bucket of coffee, there's not much that wakes ME up and gets me hopping like A SALE. A sale on Scrappin stuff makes me even hoppier…and saving 40% makes me hoppier still!!!!! So, in the interest of making everyone hoppy (oooo - that's even kinda easter-ish) Here we go!!!

Now that I have your attention, let's nock the dust off of our creativity with a "Welcome back Challenge".

Use the following sketch as inspiration and let your creativity run wild. Layout must be created specifically for this challenge and include at least 1 photo. It doesn't have to be round…but round is way too much fun not to try at least once :)

Oh right…I do remember something about 40% off!!?? Ha ha ha…Well, it's simple. Complete a layout using this sketch and post it in our facebook gallery using the title "Welcome Back Challenge Entry". You'll have until midnight on March 28th to post your layout. On March 29th I will send everyone who entered an e-mail, congratulating you on your challenge entry. All you need to do is print the e-mail and present it the next time you're in the store to get 40% off of an item of your choice!!! (*as always - standard fine print applies, like no combining offers, applicable only 1 time for 1 customer etc. etc.*)

Sooooo - On that scrappy note - Welcome back everyone :) and HAPPY SCRAPPIN!!!!! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with :)

oh - p.s. Check back often cuz there's going to be a whole lotta shakin goin on ;) I'd hate for you to miss out :)



DeniseR said...

Hoorah for Hollee!!! It so nice to have a blog again. I love the challenge and will give it a try. Hope to see you at our crop March 29 in New Maryland!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to try this!
Welcome back!

Queen Mel said...

woo hoo! Love the challenge, I'm going to try it, nothing crazy though, but I'll try :o()

Tina said...

Yahoooo, nice to some action on the blog!! WTG Hollee, can't wait to see what's in store. Love the challenge too, I think I will try and do it too!

KelMur & Co. said...

Glad to see some activity on the blog! I'm generally challenge "challenged" but I might give it a go!